Experience extraordinary clarity and healing

Through the natural, safe, and pleasant process of a shamanic journey/guided meditation/hypnosis, you can access your natural power of healing and inner wisdom. I will assist you to connect with your all-knowing Higher Self and discover solutions to your current issues and blockages.
Sessions are done over the Internet and in person.

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I will assist you in finding clarity, purpose, and well-being in your life.
Discover your Higher Self – your Divine aspect. Ask questions and witness answers you were looking for by your Higher Self.

The usual root causes of the issues people have:

  • Current life traumas, including prenatal and birth traumas
  • Past life unresolved traumas
  • Toxic emotional energy suppressed within
  • Soul fragmentation and soul energy loss
  • Spirit attachments, dark force entities etc.
  • Curses, black magic, etheric implants etc.
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