The process of problem-solving is an essential aspect of our daily lives. We often encounter challenges and obstacles that require us to come up with solutions to overcome them. However, the traditional methods of problem-solving may not always be effective or efficient in addressing the issue at hand. That’s where the letting go mechanism comes in, which can provide a surprisingly effective solution to the problem.
It’s important to understand that the letting go mechanism operates differently from the typical problem-solving methods that we’re used to. Instead of searching for answers, we need to focus on the feelings behind the question. By surrendering ourselves to the feeling, we can let go of any other emotions that may be clouding our judgment and making it difficult to find a solution. When we’ve fully surrendered to all the emotions involved, the answer will reveal itself to us naturally, without us having to search for it.
Compared to the traditional approach of problem-solving, which can often be drawn-out and inefficient, the letting go mechanism is much simpler and more straightforward. The mind often gets bogged down in endless analysis, trying to hunt and peck for a solution, but it fails because it’s looking in the wrong place. With the letting go mechanism, we can bypass all that mental clutter and get straight to the core of the problem.
To illustrate how this mechanism works in practice, let’s consider a common everyday example. Suppose we’re having a disagreement with our partner over which movie to see. If we focus on the feeling behind the problem, we might discover that what we really want is affectionate time together. Once we’ve acknowledged that feeling and surrendered to it, we might realize that we don’t even want to go to a movie at all – we just want to be together. Alternatively, we might find that the underlying feeling is fear, and we don’t want to spend the evening talking to our partner. By surrendering to this feeling and acknowledging it, we might feel less guilty and open up a dialogue with our partner, leading to a deeper connection and ultimately a better decision.
The letting go mechanism is also useful in decision-making in general. When we clear out the underlying feelings and emotions, we can make more realistic and wise decisions. Often, we regret past decisions because we didn’t recognize or let go of the emotions that were driving us at the time. By surrendering to these emotions and acknowledging them, we can make better decisions that align with our true values and desires.
Finally, the letting go mechanism can also be lightning-quick when dealing with long-standing problems. By identifying the underlying emotions and surrendering to them, we can often find a solution almost immediately. If you have a long-standing problem that’s been weighing on your mind, try this approach and see how quickly it can work for you. Instead of searching for the answer, surrender to the feeling behind the question, and watch as the solution presents itself effortlessly.
In the Quantum Clarity sessions, Higher Self is often demonstrating and teaching how to let go of feelings and uncover the power and wisdom of the client, he/she did not suspect.