A calm mind is the ultimate weapon against all your battles.
I am writing from my experience of over 25 years of daily meditation and working as a facilitator of quantum hypnosis with hundreds of clients. I am getting the same information about the Greater Reality as it was described by tens of thousands of subjects in deep trance sessions or Near Death Experiences. All of these experiences and sessions were researched in scientific books of Michael Newton PhD, Brian Weiss PhD, Helen Wambach PhD, Wiliam Baldwin PhD, Dolores Cannon among others.

All your answers are within. Connect with your Higher Self within.
You are not your egoic, human mind. Mind is your tool on your path.
You have your lessons you wanted to learn, your karma debts to pay, you have your agreements with other souls that you need to fulfil. Your Higher Self (intuition) knows everything about them and knows what is appropriate to do, how to intervene at this time concerning your issues, diseases, relationships. We don’t remember because such is the rule on Earth, you come here with amnesia about who we are and why we came.
You are a wonderful, powerful being, always loved unconditionally by many beings in spirit dimension and you are never alone. You are not your human mind which creates negativity. You have access to all knowledge and you are, in fact, psychic. Go within.

I learned from my subjects of past life regression and quantum healing, that every situation in life is unique. There are infinite possible situations and circumstances. Every person and her/his history is unique. Words like “normal” and “weird” are just for human society. You need to be you.
Direct experience is much better for you than theory from external sources (like psychics, social media, books), because it bring also emotions, deep memories and connections within you which you weren’t conscious of.
The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master and guide.
Your Higher Self knows everything about your question and can explain it to you gently, with love and care. One way of connecting to your Higher Self is to meditate on your heart chakra:
1. Take a long and deep breaths into your abdomen.
2. When you exhale, feel the breath coming down from the top of your head as a wave through whole body down to your feet. In this way, you are entering your internal world.
Don’t pause between inhalations and exhalations.
3. You need to breathe like this until your mind will calm down and slow down. It is crucial. Depending on your mental state at this time, you may need from few to dozens breaths like these.
4. During these inhalations, have an intention of connecting with your Higher Self.
5. Imagine a sphere of white-golden light around your heart expanding around your forming protective white-golden capsule of protection.
6. Focus back on your heart area and imagine a sphere of white-golden light around your heart.
7. When breathing out, ask what is the message for you today from your Higher Self. You can ask any other questions.
8. Don’t overthink it. Just trust the first impressions. Whatever comes first, it is from your Higher Self.
Alternatively, you can listen to my self-hypnosis recording to contact your Higher Self:
If for some reason you cannot connect or meditate, then shamanic practitioner or spiritual hypnotherapist can help you connect with your Higher Self even over Internet/Zoom. For that, deep theta trance is needed.
You can see how it looks like in my below sessions I recorded. My clients allowed me to share them with the world. (second half of the video – when Higher Self talks in 3rd person about the subject):