Welcome to self-discovery. Prepare for positive transformation!
Preparing questions for Higher Self
- Before your session, prepare a list of a maximum of 10 questions you would like your Higher Self to answer. We will not have time for more in one session. Please have the list of questions neatly written or typed and bring them with you. These questions can include but are not limited to, Life/Spiritual/Health/Relationship/Career. Nothing is too big or too small to ask about. If it’s on your mind it is important to you, but be sure to prioritize your list.
Some Examples include:
What is my purpose in life? Am I on the right path? Will I meet my soulmate? I would like to move. Where would be the best place for me? Am I in the right career? What type of job or career should I pursue? How can I create financial abundance? Why am I struggling financially? Why do I feel depressed? How can I get rid of my anxiety? Why can’t I lose weight? How can I get rid of my addictions? How can I fix my relationship with my spouse/child/sibling/parent? Why have I struggled in the past? How many lifetimes have I had? How can I embark on a spiritual path?
- These sample questions are commonly asked questions and simple suggestions. Your questions do not have to be limited to the above examples. You can ask anything you want to know about yourself or your life.
During few weeks before your session
Activating/cleansing your pineal gland – third eye
The Higher Self also addressed Zephyr’s smoking habit, identifying it as a form of self-sabotage that was hindering her spiritual connection. “It’s affecting her pineal gland,” the Higher Self said. “It’s causing a problem with the connection to the Source and higher dimensions.”
Pineal gland calcification is a common phenomenon that occurs in many people as they age. Here are some key points about pineal gland calcification:
What is Pineal Gland Calcification?
Pineal gland calcification refers to the formation of calcium deposits, called corpora arenacea or “brain sand”, within the pineal gland. These deposits are predominantly composed of calcium and phosphorus.
The pooled prevalence of pineal gland calcification is estimated to be about 61.65%. Calcification becomes more common with increasing age, with some studies showing rates as high as 100% in older adults.
These are suggestions that will increase vibrations of your energy field (physical body, energy bodies) and will enable you to have an even more profound experience.
Potential Approaches to De-calcification
Suggested approaches to potentially support pineal gland health include:
- Chanting and humming AUM mantra – minimum 15 minutes a day – you can play in background music below
- Reducing exposure to fluoride and other environmental toxins
- Maintaining a healthy diet rich in antioxidants
- Regular exercise and adequate sleep
- Meditation and stress reduction techniques
Things to add to your routine:
- Listen to theta binaural meditation music as often as possible. (music tracks are at the bottom of this text). They train your brain to enter theta brainwaves more easily.
- Gradually increase the trust of your intuition / Higher Self. Whatever will be revealed to you during the experience is prepared for you with love, care, and kindness by your Higher Self. You will never get more than you can handle. You practice trust in your intuition by following hunches or gut-feeling in your daily life without overthinking it.
3. Try to ground yourself as often as possible by being in nature, the park, the beach, or the garden. Try touching the earth with your bare hands/feet.
4. Realize that you are not your mind and body through meditation. This will help you during session and after session in practical life:
5. Sun gaze during sunrises and sunsets.
6. Read this international bestseller to understand how the mind is creating blockages in your life and how to overcome them. Kindle edition is only 5 USD. Click on the picture below to get it.
7. To gain full insight into the potential of your journey, you can read my book based on past sessions I conducted and the wisdom shared by Higher Selves. It contains real stories with included transcript excerpts. The book is available in Kindle and paperback formats. Click here to purchase: https://mybook.to/HealingSoulJourneys
or on the image:
8. Listen to this high vibrational, spiritual music. For example from these musicians (their music was scientifically calibrated by independent researchers as high vibration):
8. You can practice Light Language/Mantra/Names of God/Source meditation like this. It will raise your vibration permanently:
Things to avoid:
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, processed food, and recreational drugs.
- Lower consumption of red meats.
- Read more in-depth about it here: How to raise your vibration?
On the day of your session
It’s normal to feel nervous about your first session. Just relax and set your intention to have a wonderful, relaxing, and fulfilling session. Remember to breathe and remind yourself that your Higher Self wants to help and guide you in the very best way, and the session is a way of opening up the pathways of communication. You will not be given or shown anything you are not ready for.
There will not be any judgment regarding any questions you may have, or any situations you are in. We are all humans just doing our very best to make it and find happiness and peace in our lives. The session is conducted from a place of pure love and understanding. There are no coincidences. You were led here for a reason.
Because Quantum Clarity Hypnosis gets you into such a deep state of relaxation, it is recommended to not have anything scheduled after the session that requires your direct attention or focus, as it may be difficult to concentrate on anything specific that same day.
Turn off the cell phone and other alarms/notifications.
What to Wear:
You will be laying for approximately three hours during the hypnosis part of the session. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing that will not feel restricting.
Don’t wear makeup, as often we become emotional during the session.
Don’t wear any metal objects: watches, jewelry, etc. as they interfere with energy flow during the session.
If you wear contact lenses, you need to remove the contact lenses before you begin. It is not uncommon for the eyes to roll back in hypnosis, and it could be bad if this happened while someone was wearing contacts.
Crystals (optional): If you have at your home quartz and/or selenite crystals, you can hold one quartz crystal and one selenite crystal in your hands during the experience. They help in energy balance. Choose with your heart which feels the best.
What to Eat:
You will want to be sure to eat something before your session that will sustain you for few hours. If a session is in-person, you are welcome to bring a snack to eat immediately after the session, such as a protein bar, fruit, or something light. If you are a caffeine drinker, do not drink it on this day, as it interferes with relaxation. You don’t want to feel jittery and will need to be able to lay still and relax. Clients should refrain from consuming any meat, diary, drugs or alcohol on the morning or day of the session.
What to Expect During your Session
Your Quantum Clarity Hypnosis session will consist of three parts. In the first session we have Interview. The Interview acts as a “getting to know you” process and is an extremely important precursor to the hypnosis part of the session. It allows the practitioner to know what is the connection between the upcoming experience and current life. The Interview is also the time when we go over your list of questions you would like answered by your Higher Self. The Interview is completely confidential and there are no judgments. Please prepare a comfortable sitting place with backrest for this phase. We will talk and do meditation exercises.
The second part of the session is the actual trance work or altered state part of the session. This is the part where you will be guided through past life and will address the Higher Self. This is also where the healing takes place, which will continue after the session.
The third part of the session is the Debrief. The Debrief is where we will talk about the outcome of the Hypnosis portion of the session, and will also allow you time to reorient and ground yourself. Often after the session you will feel extremely relaxed and in a blissful state, and will be experiencing a high vibration.
Preparing for a remote Quantum Clarity hypnosis session over the Internet:
Please prepare:
1. Camera angle where your face and torso will be visible (as much front view as possible). Example:
Important! Light from the windows or lamps should not be behind you, because I will not see your face, only shadow. You will not see yourself later on the recording. Look at the difference below:
2. Have a headset with a microphone that goes close to your mouth (no earbuds). Wired, because energy during the session sometimes drains the batteries of wireless devices. Headphones should be large over the ear, so it will be comfortable to wear them for many hours. We had to reschedule a few sessions because the microphone was low quality and did not pick up the voice of a client in an altered state. Good brands are Logitech, Sony, Bose. Similar to below:
3. Have a fast internet connection, preferably wired at your home. WiFi possible but you need to be close to the router, so there will be no breaks or freezes in connection.
4. Use the Zoom application on your laptop or tablet (phones are not permitted). Please download Zoom to your device, it will work better than using the browser version.
* Open Zoom before meeting
* Go to Audio settings:
Change according to this screen, so I can hear you clearly.
5. Quiet place, where there will be no disturbance (other people, etc.) for few hours. You can consider renting a hotel room if there is no peace in your home.
6. A comfortable bed. You will be lying down for a minimum of 2 hours and you need to have a lot of comfortable space. The first part of the session will be interview and exercises, so you need to be sitting with a backrest. Then after a break, you will move to the bed.
If you usually don’t sleep on your back:
You can have more comfort when you are propped up with pillows to a 30 or 45-degree position like in the image below:
7. Please test the setup with someone over Zoom. There were a few clients with technical problems on the day of the session and we had to reschedule because something was not working (hardware: camera, headset, laptop, and software: old drivers, no audio on a laptop, Windows hanging, etc.).
Your expectations about the session can sabotage your results
Over the years, I have realized that patients’ experiences during their past life regressions vary widely. For some, it is a firsthand, in-the-body experience. For others there remains a degree of detachment, almost as if they were viewing a rerun on TV. Following are the different types of past life experiences my patients have reported. Read more here or click the image.
Theta binaural music for meditation
Even if you will not practice with these tracks, you will have a wonderful session. However, they will increase your vibrations, enhance your brain processing and enable you to have contact with higher vibration wisdom and beings during the session.
Practice while in a comfortable position sitting or laying down with closed eyes. Use headphones, so the sound is coming to your both ears directly. This music will not work if you don’t use headphones and listen in both ears.
Do not listen to these while driving a car, operating any machinery, or walking in the street.
Still impressions:
Renewal Two
Insight and Intuition
Astral healing place – guided meditation and self-hypnosis
After listening to those tracks above a few times, you can try the guided meditation below to enter into an astral healing place:
Guided meditation: Your sanctuary – grounding and protection.
Depression and anxiety removal. I will guide you to go to the most beautiful place in the world: your sanctuary. There you will be able to ground yourself and receive energetical protection. Grounding and protection will dissipate any mental discomforts you may have, like anxiety, depression etc.