During the therapy, sometimes patients were resistant to spirit releasement and past life regression therapies. As we searched for reasons for their resistance, they reported that their souls were fragmented due to some trauma. The soul fragments can stay inside the patient and appear as the patient at a younger age when the trauma occurred that caused the fragmentation or they can go outside the body.
My patients describe the soul fragments as similar to what we call sub-personality, alter personality, or an inner child in traditional psychiatry. However, there is a difference. The patients report that this fragment is not just symbolic or their imagination. They report literally seeing their child parts or personalities clearly inside them, including their age, clothing, and hair styles. Each fragmented soul part is still suffering from the memories and emotions of the trauma that caused its fragmentation and separation from the main body of the soul. Some patients report that the fragmented soul part or inner child is being controlled by the possessing earthbound or demon spirits. This relationship creates problems during the treatment.
Patients also report that portions of their souls are in the possession of other people. Husbands, wives, parents, children, and other relatives and friends are the most frequent possessors of the missing soul parts. Sometimes patients report their soul parts were in possession of people who abused them physically, emotionally, or sexually, causing them continued fear and emotional turmoil. In these cases, patients are influenced by the abusers’ experiences, behavior, and problems.
Sometimes patients claim that some portions of their souls are in possession of Satan and his demons, who are outside and continue to reinforce their influence and manipulate patients’ thinking, attitudes, behavior, and emotional and physical problems through these captive soul parts.
Patients frequently report they have possession of other living people’s soul parts. These soul parts of living people act in the same way as a possessing spirit of a deceased human being and influence patients physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Treatment is usually stalemate and is less effective until these soul parts are returned, cleansed, healed, and integrated with their rightful owners. This is particularly true in the cases where Satan or his demons are the possessors of patients’ soul parts.
By recognizing all these possibilities, we can clearly understand that any emotional, mental, or physical disease is in fact the disease of the soul. To heal the mind and the body, we need to heal the soul by removing all the possessing earthbound and demon spirits and soul parts of the living people. Then we need to heal the traumas from the current and past lives by recalling, reliving, releasing, and resolving them and reclaiming all the lost soul parts from the current and past lives and integrating them with the main body of the soul. By healing the soul we can heal the physical body from its emotional, mental, and physical problems.
None of this theory is based on any religion or spirituality. It is based on the information given by patients, under hypnosis. If the patient has a basis in religion and spirituality, that basis may of course influence what the patient’s subconscious is telling us. No claims are made for the accuracy of the religious or spiritual information provided by the patients.
Whether or not these patient accounts are “true” is not the issue. You may view them as the patients’ creative subconscious being extraordinarily inventive in creating explanations for their problems, you may consider them as incredibly vivid and realistic psychodramas tailored to the patients’ specific needs, or you may think, if you choose, in terms of patients being accurate reporters giving literal accounts of the events of their lives.