Combined 50 years of clinical “miraculous” healing by many holistic psychotherapists shows that past life traumas are not a fantasy. There are thousands of documented cured cases.
It would seem that one must believe in the theory of reincarnation to accept past life trauma as a cause of mental or psychical illness.
Interestingly, it does not require that the patient or the therapist believe in reincarnation or past lives for this therapy to be effective. The only requirement is that the patient is willing to go through the experiences provided by the subconscious mind to resolve the symptoms and problems.
During therapy, when directed to focus on a symptom to find its source, the patient frequently is led to another life, in another body at an earlier time. The patient spontaneously regresses to an event that appears to be the cause of that symptom. When that past-life problem is treated and resolved, usually the symptom is much improved or completely relieved.
Symptoms that have been traced to past life origins are many and varied. Sometimes the cause is found in more than one lifetime. Usually, psychosomatic conditions, autoimmune disorders, and deep-seated personality disorders have their origins in one or more past lives. Typical symptoms that come from past lives are as follows:
Chronic Pains
Wounds from Sexual Abuse
Isolation / Alienation
Grief / Sorrow
Clarify Sense of Purpose
Suicidal Thoughts
Repressed Emotions / Memories
Fears / Phobias
Psychic Invasion
Low Self-Esteem
Physical Aliments / Illness
Obsessive Thoughts
Anger / Rage
Depression and anxiety disorders
Premenstrual symptoms (PMS)
Sexual disorders
Eating disorders
Personality disorders
Passive-aggressive personality
Obsessive-compulsive personality
Head and neck pain
Back pain
Other aches and pains
Skin conditions
Sinus problems
Allergies etc.